CMI Interview Series: Uta Praditya (Flutter Engineer)

Clean Medic / 17 Nov 2023

Good morning and welcome to the Clean Medic Indus (CMI) interview series, where we kick off our Friday morning by sharing the inspiring stories of professionals contributing to CMI. Today, we sit down with Uta Praditya, a Flutter Engineer who has been an integral part of our journey since the inception of Clean Medic.

Choosing CMI as a Workplace

Uta shares the reasons behind choosing Clean Medic as a workplace. "I was drawn to CMI's vision, especially in addressing medical waste issues and raising awareness in the community. I wanted to contribute to creating a better ecosystem through my expertise," says Uta.

Advantages of CMI Compared to Previous Work Experience

One of the advantages Uta has experienced since joining Clean Medic is the close-knit nature of all divisions and the family-like atmosphere. "I joined at the beginning of CMI's formation, so I felt the benefits of strong collaboration and a sense of togetherness among the team," adds Uta.

Responsibilities as a Flutter Engineer

As a Flutter Engineer at Clean Medic, Uta has specific responsibilities. "My responsibilities include maintaining the current application, fixing bugs, and adding features to enhance the user experience of the Clean Medic app," explains Uta.

Day-to-Day Life as a Flutter Engineer

Uta shares a glimpse into a typical day as a Flutter Engineer. "My day starts with daily reports, followed by working on features and fixing bugs. Collaboration with other teams and divisions is key in carrying out daily tasks," says Uta.

Challenges of Working at Clean Medic

Working at Clean Medic comes with its challenges, according to Uta. Overcoming the hurdles of simplifying app usage and introducing new systems in medical waste management is both intriguing and rewarding.

Hopes and Prayers for Clean Medic's Future

Uta expresses hopes for Clean Medic in the future. "I hope CMI continues to grow and expand, making a bigger positive impact in creating a cleaner environment in Indonesia," says Uta.

With this spirit, we thank Uta Praditya for the dedication in making Clean Medic Indus a company that leaves a positive impact on the environment. Stay tuned for more inspirational stories from pioneers at Clean Medic Indus!

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