CMI Interview Series: Evie Verryza (Sales Specialist)

Clean Medic / 02 Okt 2023

Today is Friday and as usual, I am doing an interview of one of our valuable team member.

It is a pleasure to host Evie Verryza, on of our Sales Specialist. We are eager to learn about what motivated her to join our company and gain insights into her role and responsibilities.

✅ Can you share with us what motivated you to join CLEAN MEDIC INDUS, considering it's a pioneering startup focused on medical waste management?

Evie: What motivated me to join CLEAN MEDIC INDUS is the innovative approach the company has towards medical waste management. The idea of contributing to a solution that is eco-friendly and based on a real-time collecting system was quite appealing. The startup has a clear vision and a mission that aligns with my personal values towards environmental sustainability and health.

✅ As a Sales Specialist, can you describe your main responsibilities and daily activities?

As a Sales Specialist, my main responsibilities include identifying and acquiring new business and ensuring that our clients are satisfied with our medical waste management services. My daily activities revolve around making sure that our clients are utilizing our user-friendly applications to facilitate low-risk and health-compliant services, which involves sometime an educational part since the regulation is not always known and correctly applied.

✅ How do you align the innovative and sustainable approach of CLEAN MEDIC INDUS in your sales strategies to stakeholders to be part of our digital platform?

I align the innovative and sustainable approach of CLEAN MEDIC INDUS in my sales strategies by emphasizing the real-time, easy-to-use applications that we offer. I encourage medical waste producers to join our digital platform by highlighting the benefits of our eco-friendly and efficient solutions and by showcasing the positive impact they can make on environmental health.

✅ Finally, can you express how you feel about working at CLEAN MEDIC INDUS and how the company’s mission resonates with your personal and professional values?

I feel privileged to be working at CLEAN MEDIC INDUS. The company’s mission resonates with my personal and professional values as it combines innovation, sustainability, and health. Being part of a solution that addresses environmental concerns and contributes to public health is highly rewarding, and it motivates me to contribute to the company's growth and success.

We can feel from this interview how the team's dedication and expertise are fundamental in navigating the intricate regulatory landscapes, ensuring compliance and fostering innovations in line with the Solid Waste Management regulation. Their commitment is pivotal in steering our company towards our ultimate goal: becoming an integral part of the global #sustainability effort to preserve our #environment.

#greentech #innovation #digitaltransfomation #medicalwaste #wastecollection #frenchtechindonesia #bali #healthcare #digital

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